1.) Name a book that has changed your life.
About ten years ago I was assigned a review of The Life of Nelson A. Rockefellerfor The American Enterprise, thus making me a professional writer.
2.) Name a book that you have read more than once.
I, Claudius, Lolita
, and several others.
3.) Name a book that you would take to a desert island, a remote village in the Andes or a layover at O'Hare Airport.
Every book list I make must have Lost in the Cosmos: The Last Self-Help Bookat least once.
4.) Name a book that the movie adaption is an improvement on.
The Godfatheris a good but doesn't have the line, "It's not personal Sonny, its strictly business."
5.) Name a book that should be made into a movie.
The Second Comingwould make a great film.
6.) What are you currently reading?
Conversations With Walker Percy, and Notes From Underground
7.) Name a book that you plan to read.
Too many to mention.
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Book Chat
Friday, September 29, 2006
The Last Gentleman

Thin Line
So we really are left with very little in these pivotal times--the will of George Bush, of course, the Old Breed unchanged since Okinawa and the Bulge that still anchors the US military, the courage and skill of a very few brave writers like a Hitchens, Krauthammer, and the tireless and brilliant Mark Steyn, but very, very few others. No, this is an age in which we in the West make smug snuff movies about killing an American President, while the Taliban and the Islamists boast of assassinating the Pope.
Animal Farm

Thursday, September 28, 2006
Stick With It
So stick with it Mark, I'm sure you will be vindicated in the end -- if not on Earth, then on whatever planet you currently inhabit.
Old Books

Wednesday, September 27, 2006
George Allen meet John Huey Ketchum
But as usual, the problem isn't the crime -- but the coverup. Allen could have simply admitted guilt and plagiarized Jesse Jackson's "God isn't finished with me yet" apology made after his infamous "Hymietown" gaffe in 1984.
Somebody should get Allen a copy of Bill Kauffman's sadly out of print novel, Every Man a King (hey, BK, get a copy to Picador, and get a new edition out!). In that book, a rising rightwing pundit named John Huey Ketchum has his career yanked out from under him when he opines that "you can lead a nigger to workfare, but you can't . . ." on CBS's Face the Nation and is reduced to scrubbing factory toilets in his hometown of Batavia, New York. After his fall from grace, John Huey finds happiness in housing-project obscurity and white-trash love with a woman willing to overlook his sin if she can figure out what it is:
"It was a mistake, I think," he said haltingly. "I had a newspaper column in quite a few papers around the country. I wasn't famous, but I was on the right track. Then I got invited to go on Face the Nation, the boring talk show about politics that's on Sunday mornings."
She betrayed no recognition of this anti-Sabbath institution.
"Anyways, I was on the show, debating this black guy about welfare. He was doin' this boring recital of bullshit facts and arguments, and I was doin' mine. He'd say blahblahblah. I'd counter with blahblahblah. . . .It was the usual Washington bullshit. Until all of a sudden somethin' came over me. Like a demon or succubus or some evil goddamn sprit invaded my body, and before I knew it I said the word 'nigger' on national TV."
He waited for a gasp, a shocked "John Huey, you didn't" Wanda said nothing. He went on . . .
Monday, September 25, 2006
The Long Emergency
After the talk, I had him sign a book and discussed his fellow Upstate reactionary, Bill Kauffman; for whom Kunstler provided a blurb to Dispatches from the Muckdog Gazette
I'm glad I went out tonight --Tuesday UT features a Tweedle De/Tweedle Dum debate with Jonah Goldberg and Peter Beinart. Zzzzzz.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Some Observations . . .
"If there is such a thing as a Southern way of life, part of it has to do with not speaking of it."--The Thanatos Syndrome
"There is one sure cure for cosmic explorations, grandiose ideas about God, man, death, suicide, and such -- and that is nausea. I defy a man afflicted with nausea to give a single thought to these vast subjects."
"What do you do if you can't stand people yet need a person?"-- The Second Coming
"Here is an incidental discovery: If you tell somebody what to do, they will do it. All you have to do is know what to do. Because nobody else knows."--Lancelot
"I do believe the South has produced more high-minded women, women of universal sentiments, than any other section of the country except possibly New England in the last century. Of my six living aunts, five are women of the loftiest theosophical panBrahman sentiments. The sixth is still a Presbyterian."-- The Moviegoer
Separation of What?
Cheney regularly attends Senate Republican caucus meetings, sometimes accompanied by Karl Rove. Just in case Cheney and Rove needed help keeping the caucus in line, the Senate majority leader, Bill Frist, was handpicked by the White House to succeed the ousted Trent Lott.
I knew that Frist was little more than a sockpuppet for the Whitehouse, but this is ridiculous. The Senate is in an entirely different branch of government than the president, and it should have its own prerogatives and agenda; even if both are controlled by the same party. Sad to say, it will take a Democratic victory this fall to restore something as basic as the separation of powers.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Pollowitz whines that "the blog left thinks it's emasculating in some way" and notes that "making fun of someone's name is the definition of 'manly', don't you think?" Pollowitz obviously isn't very familiar with American politics -- candidates often derisively refer to their opponents by their full names ("J. Danforth Quayle"; "William Jefferson Clinton"), and as far as "emasculating" Webb I'll just add that John Kerry looks French.
I would prefer to see George Allen loose the election on the important issue -- he is a senatorial rubber stamp for the failed policies of the Bush administration. If he loses because he has been exposed as a 98-pound weakling like the guy in the Charles Atlas ad, that will be fine with me. So much of Allen's appeal is that he supposedly is a real man. I remember last year when National Review published a cover story on Allen by their editor Tina Brown, er, Rich Lowry. Lowry positively swooned because Allen drinks black coffee and revels in focus-group-tested macho activities such as ridin' a Harley and rootin' for Junior. Who would have thought that a few months into the future the sissy Defeatocrats would nominate someone who makes George Allen look like a wimp?
Felix? Sen. Allen will be lucky to avoid becoming Sen. "Boy Named Sue" by election day.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Tennesseans Against Allen
Of course, I don't trust my own judgement on the issue since I can't stand the phony-baloney cowboy/Dubya clone and would like to see him suffer a humiliating defeat this fall, or even better -- eke out a narrow victory that is weak enough to kill his presidential ambitions while forcing him to serve out another term in the Senate.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
This is a momentous statement from one of the more reality-challenged supporters of the Bush Administration's policies. His viewers -- Instapundit is essentially a smug version of the crawl across the bottom of your cable news channel -- almost never get a chance to see such a statement. You rarely get the impression from Instapundit that things have gone seriously wrong in Iraq. I could never find any evidence that he got a copy of Tom Ricks' Fiasco
Usually, I get the impression from Instapundit that Reynolds believes that everything is just fine in Iraq and Afghanistan and that Rumsfeld and Cheney have done a swell job; if only the Liberal Media and the Democrats would get on board.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Double Incompetence
But if we put aside for the moment the reasons to have gone into each country, the two now look remarkably the same. Both have fragile democratic governments. Radical Islamists--using similar tactics of suicide bombing and improvised explosive devices--are pouring in from sanctuaries across the border, whether Pakistan or Syria and Iran. Bin Laden and Dr. Zawahiri themselves have boasted that Iraq, at the heart of the ancient caliphate, is now the frontline theater for the jihadists.Unlike Iraq, we invaded Afghanistan with a legitimate justification, but as the Tora Bora battle and Operation Anaconda
So far the international approval of Afghanistan and its smaller costs have ensured support from the Left. But note, as casualties begin to mount, and the nature of the counter-insurgency fighting increasingly begins to resemble Iraq--as it must in this particular front of a global war--and as the magic multilateral solution proves a mirage, the NATO coalition being no more effective than the coalition of the willing in Iraq, expect to see the Democratic leadership begin to bail on Afghanistan as well.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Judascons . . .
With Republicans controlling Congress and the White House, conservatives these days ought to be happy, but most aren't. They see expanding government, runaway spending, Middle East entanglements, and government corruption, and they wonder why, exactly, the country should be grateful for Republican dominance. Some accuse Bush and the Republicans today of not being true conservatives. Others see a grab bag of stated policies and wonder how they cohere. Everyone thinks something’s got to change.
Now seven prominent conservatives dare to speak the unspeakable: They hope the Republicans lose in 2006. Well, let’s be diplomatic and say they’d prefer divided government--soon.
I haven't read them all yet and can only assume that they are liberally sprinkled with terms like "disaster," "disgrace," "miserable failure" and "incompetent."
Monday, September 11, 2006
Works and Days . . .
So get out your pipe and jacket-with-elbow-patches and be prepared for plenty of learned references to Thucydides and F Troop.
Decoration Day
Goldberg even quotes a disgruntled ex-Googler:
It took me two minutes to switch from Google toolbar to Dogpile toolbar. The best part was that the Google uninstall page had a comments box asking why I was getting rid of their service. I let them know. Believe me, I let them know.
Oddly, neither Goldberg nor his correspondent seem to upset about the lack of decoration on the homepage of other search engines such as Yahoo! and Ask.com, and here's the crowning irony -- at NRO's the Corner.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Privatize This!
Bingo. I have long thought of most privatization schemes as bogus, Yglesias explains why without even breaking a sweat.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Spin Cycle
Darned MSM, putting a negative spin on one of our glorious victories -- at least in Glenn's fantasy world. Reynolds didn't find any actual examples of negative media spin, and the most obvious one didn't even dawn on him -- that this is yet another example of the consequences of the Bush administration hastily declaring victory and failing to follow through.
But that is closer to reality than to spin. The war in Afghanistan is supposed to be over and we are supposed to have won. But the war goes on, as the New York Times reports in an obviously Liberal MSM slanted story:
On a July morning, Taliban gunmen shot dead the province's most powerful cleric as he walked to the main city mosque to lead morning prayers. Five months later, they executed a teacher at a nearby village school as students watched. The following month, they walked into another mosque and gunned down an Afghan engineer working for a foreign aid group, shooting him in the back as he pressed his forehead to the ground and supplicated to God.
This spring and summer, the slow and methodical siege of this southern provincial capital intensified. The Taliban and their allies set up road checkpoints, burned 20 trucks and slowed the flow of supplies to reconstruction projects. All told, in surrounding Helmand Province, five teachers, one judge and scores of police officers have been killed. Dozens of schools and courts have been shuttered, according to Afghan officials.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
The Great War and Modern Memory
Despite being called a "world" war, the vast majority of fighting from 1914-1918 took place in a relatively limited space. The same is true of the 2006 elections. Collectively, they are a national election, but for most Americans, the fight will take place "over there." The battle for control of the Senate will take place mostly within five states where Republicans, who hold a five-seat advantage, look vulnerable: Montana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Missouri. Democrats lead in the first four and appear close to a tie in Missouri. To win the Senate outright, the Democrats would have to sweep those states and win one more, most likely Tennessee, a conservative state where the Republican has retired, or Virginia, a moderately conservative state where incumbent Republican George Allen is in a a tight race with former Reagan official-turned-Democrat James H. Webb.
A pretty interesting argument, but I can't quite swallow his conclusion. "Democrats are probably far too giddy about what they can accomplish if they win in November. They aren't going to be able to stop the war in Iraq, and they won't banish pork-barreling or back-scratching. But that's OK. Woodrow Wilson didn't make the world safe for democracy, but he did manage to keep a pretty noxious regime from dominating a continent." Actually there is a compelling case
Friday, September 01, 2006
Let's Pretend
I can see why they don't want to live in 2006, where they have led the country into a disasterous quagmire in Iraq because, as it turns out, Saddam Hussein had a few aged chemical weapons.
In 2006, the War Party is wrong about the past three years and faces an uncertain future. When they pretend that it's 1938 or 1942, at least they know how things turn out.