The most offensive thing about the speech to my ears was not his use of the slur, but the implication that he, preppie Californian transplant and Beltway insider George Allen, was some sort of down-home boy who was in touch with the real people, while the veteran Jim Webb, proud son of Scots-Irish stock, is supposed to be a wine-and-cheeser off partying with Hollywood types.
Thanks for the compliments. Following up on this little episode, I saw Allen's "apology" that tried to turn all of this around on Jim Webb's supposed ignorance of the "real world of Virginia." That made me mad, and I penned another item on that:
Larison says he is going to cut back on his writing which would be a shame. I dont think he knows how many readers/fans he has out there. We need him.
Steve A
Larison, Clark, and Matthew Fish are my favorite bloggers.
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