Media Matters (via Matthew Yglesias) has a clip of a spittle-flecked, hysterical, rage-filled rant of Rush Limbaugh against a Republican (and military veteran) caller who favors leaving Iraq. The clip closes with Limbaugh calling those in the military who oppose the war "phony soldiers."
As I've said before, the War Party has nothing left to offer. Imagine Limbaugh a year from now with a Giuliani/Santorum (farfetched, I know) badly trailing an Edwards/Webb (again, farfetched). His head will probably explode on the air.
UPDATE: In the comments, Glen Dean suggests that I've been snookered by Media Matters and that Limbaugh and his caller weren't calling all antiwar soldiers "phony." The point of my post rested upon Limbaugh's frothing lunacy more than as a comment on the "phony soldiers" controversy. But I went back and listened to the clip again, and tried to read his raving self defense tirade from Friday. While it is likely that he was making a reference to a fake soldier that ABC News had done a story on a few days ago, Limbaugh and his caller are so careless with their words that they convey the impression that they believe that the only real soldiers are those that support the war. I haven't heard or read much of Limbaugh for the last few years, but from what I have, he doesn't believe that it is possible to honorably oppose the Iraq War. For this reason, and others, I have to agree with Daniel Larison who commented that Limbaugh is "disgrace."
Clark, the fact that you would fall into the trap of believing something from Media Matters is downright embarrassing. Rush was talking about one individual, an individual who was prosecuted for falsifying military records. Unbelievable Clark, conservatives are now useful idiots for the wack-job left.
Actually, the phrase came up, as the audio file makes clear, in response to a caller who used the phrase "phony soldiers" that Limbaugh then repeated. The more absurd part of the audio clip is where Limbaugh denounces one of his callers for opposing the war and declares matter-of-factly, "You can't be a Republican." Because all Republicans are supposed to be as pathetically servile as he is. The man is a disgrace.
I heard that broadcast too, and it was obvious to me that Limbaugh was refering to the previous call as a "phony soldier". Limbaugh says that "liberals" never go to his website. While I'm no "liberal", as a paleoconservative and a critic of the damage people like Limbaugh have done to conservatism I do and I find him lying about this incident. In this case, Media Matter has it absolutely right in terms of the accuracy of the transcript. Rush is the one guilty of selective quoting.
I'm delight to see this big pile of pig manure once again put his foot in his mouth. It would be even funnier if Rush ran into Jim Webb. He might wish to put something else into Limbaugh for the nonsense he said later about Webb.
Rush has a track record for these sort of smears. He has accused the Marine Major Paul Hackett of going to Iraq to polish up his resume to run against the "conservative and Republican" Jean Schmidt. Limbaugh has also trashed the the likes of MG John Batiste and GEN Shinseki as "Clinton generals".
As much as I despise the Left for their intellectual dishonesty, I despise the so-called "right" even more. It really is funny to hear from a phony "conservative" to complain about "phony soldiers". I reckon I'm one of them, for I served four years active and six years active reserve in the Army and I absolutely am revolted over this war for Israel and oil, in that order.
I can't believe you are even wasting your time with this. You and the liberal Dems are nuts.
The leftists are so intellectually dishonest, ignorant and without any shame whatsoever that the coming election will be downright fun. The Left's ridiculous positions, rants and dangerous policies will be exposed. Please run Hillary -- It will be a joy to see her exposed for the incompetent, naive, socialist lying, unconvicted felon she is.
If Ron Paul doesn't get the Republican nomination it will be even more fun in a bittersweet way to listen to all of you junior neocons squalling like children when Hillary wipes the floor with whatever neocon gets the nod. The democrats will probably clean up in the Congress as well as the Stupid party will live up to its name.
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