The awful Bill Bennett dropped in at NRO's The Corner to exhort Republicans to the polls. He mentions judicial appointments and open borders (as if undivided Republican rule has done anything about that in the last six years) as reasons to keep the GOP in power and also states, "If you want Donald Rumsfeld hauled before Congress every week justifying the war rather than fighting it, stay home."
It occurrs to me that I would like to have Rumsfeld "hauled before Congress every week"(or so) to justify his management of the war. And what does Bennett think will happen -- that Iraq and Afghanistan will dissolved into chaos without Rumsfeld's constant attention? That's a risk I am willing to take.
Judicial appointments and open borders? Meh, they're mere stolen Democratic scare-tactics and convenient hypocrisy to me. (Why is it that I think that Bennett used to be pro-immigration?) The hopeful Congressional persecution (my word) of the Defense Secretary should the Dems seize power? Well, despite Bennett's best efforts, there's a few interesting things about that...
See, Rummy actually has been "justifying the war rather than fighting it" at least since he excused the looting that helped sparke the insurgency back in april of '03 with his rationale that "stuff happens" and that the pillaging of Baghdad's libraries and archeological (sp?) museums was an expression of Joy over their new-found freedom, or words to that effect.
What's more, he is and has been offering justifications of the war every single chance he gets, so much so that these justifications of his are probably the main reason that he doesn't seem to be fighting it all that much. Perhaps if one were to do th' math, it would turn out to be at least every week, on average.
Remember that "You go into war with the army you have" crud he pulled when a soldier asked him at a press conference in I think Kuwait why they didn't have much body armor or protection for their Humvees? Remember his attempts to "explain" that he didn't say that Iraq was a "threat" but a "grave and gathering danger" or whatever mealymouth he actually used? Remember prediction after prediction after prediction after prediction that he (and to be fair other members of this Administration) made that things were going to get better? On and on and on and on the excuses go; for such a pro-warrior, methinks he protests too much.
And Mr. Bennett doesn't seem to mind all this. Even though it's the Hordes O' Satan, erm, the dreaded MSM. No, what seems to get his scapegoat is that instead of the Democrats ask the questions, rather than the talk shows and the Sunday news programs. That these aspiring Congresscritters are so partisan that they'll actually do their job as a check against presidential excess if they think it'll get them votes, political power, or whatever...
What a topsy-turvy, tragicomic world we live in, no? And: what fun...
Senate bill 2611 seems pretty close to open borders to me. It would results in 20 million more immigrants over the next 20 years by the governments own estimates and is a virtual amnesty for illegals. See Robert J. Samuelson: "What you don't know about the immigration bill"
A majority of Republicans voted against S 2611 and a majority of Democrats for it.
The 700 mile fence was opposed by a majority of House Democrats.
The voting records speak for themselves. I guess I am just selfish, but I will vote for quagmire starting Bush before I vote for for people that will accelerate america's risky demographic transformation. I guess I love my kids more than I love iraqi kids.
Let the democrats take the Senate. I want the GOP to keep the House. The Senate is already pro-amnesty. The House is not.
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