The good news is that Daniel McCarthy is back at The American Conservative after time at ISI and the Ron Paul campaign. He has also been blogging up a storm recently
The not-so-good news is that Volunteer Voters is no more--A.C. Kleinheider is a blogging civilian again.
Update: most of the reaction to the demise of VV has been negative, but I did notice the contribution this guy at Tennessee Free: "I wasn’t fond of Kleinheider. He had the nerve to run a blog, Hard Right, which wasn’t. Soft in the tail, it was. Progressive, Kleinheider seems. Probably from hanging out with Sean Braisted overmuch… Kleinheider bashed Bush as much as William . . ." Can't have a conservative "bashing Bush" now, can we?
Can't have anyone left who actually supports Bush, now can we? Everybody should jump on the BDS bandwagon.
Since you have, that makes it OK, right?
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