Starting with the low hanging fruit, I looked up William F. Buckley. Conservapedia currently has two sentences on this giant of the postwar American Right. "William F. Buckley, Jr is prominent conservative author and commentator, and the founder of . . . National Review. He was also host of the show Firing Line." American Conservatism, on the other hand has a lengthy article that mentions numerous books by Buckley from God and Man at Yale
Next I looked up Russell Kirk, who is the subject of an article in American Conservatism about as lengthy and detailed as Buckley's, but doesn't even currently have his own entry at Conservapedia; although he is mentioned in its skimpy post on Paleoconservatism.
So what does Conservapedia have? Well it has an entry on Rush Limbaugh, who is also featured in American Conservatism entry noting his contributions as a controversialist and for his role in revitalizing am radio. Conservapedia also has an article on Sean Hannity, a shouting head radio/TV host whose claim to fame is his ability to outshine Alan Colmes.
Anyone looking to Conservapedia to learn about the people and institutions on the Right that came before Rush Limbaugh will come away empty-handed. American Conservatism (the strengths and weaknesses of which were examined by Daniel McCarthy in the American Conservative last year) is a much better source; as is Wikipedia.
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